Title Block/unblock or delete/change storage bins Purpose With this report, you can block/unblock or delete/change storage binswithin a storage number. Precondition If you execute the report from the transaction LS06, you can block orunblock storage bins. If you execute the report from the transaction LS11, you can change ordelete storage bins. This means only empty or storage bins which arenot blocked can be deleted. Output You receive a list of storage bins with the following information:
- Empty bins
- Blocked bins
- Inventory status
In order to block/unblock storage bins, select the required storagebins and choose the relevant buttons. It is possible to revise selections already set until you save yourentries. From the list, you can display information on the storage bin, byclicking on the relevant entry. INCLUDE WM_ALV OBJECT DOKU ID TX LANGUAGE EN