SAP Program RLLI2110 - Clearing of Differences in Inventory Management

You can use this report to clear the inventory differences for theinterim storage area inthe WM system and post them inInventory Management.
Enter the warehouse number and the interim storage type for inventorydifferences (999 in the standard system).
You can also limit the selection of the storage bins to select theinventory differences for a smaller range of bins.

The system displays a list with differences that need to be cleared.All masked entry are taken into consideration when the system clearsthe differences.
The system displays the result of the posting in the form of a log.This list contains the documents that are created as well as all errorsthat occurred during the processing of the individual records.
In the integrated environment, this list includes the documents thatwere generated in IM. In the decentralized environment, it includes thedocuments that clear the individual interim storage areaquants in the warehouse.