SAP Program RLINVE00 - Test Report for IDOC Receipt: Entry of Inventory Count for WM-System

You can use this report to test the inventory interface between anexternal system and the WM system. The entry of data with the help of amobile data entry device is simulated in the system.
The system takes the data from the existing inventory documents. Inthis way, it can simulate the receipt of the IDoc WMIVID01 in thesystem. Careful in the productive system: a document is really posted!
The standard chain of activities for WM inventory (Creating inventorydocuments - Printing the documents - Entering the count results -Posting the count - Possibly recounting - Clearing the differences inthe warehouse and IM system) is interrupted during printing. The datais not printed but transmitted to a subsystem. The count could takeplace using mobile data entry devices. The external system transmitsthe data. This data is posted in the SAP System. Then processing picksup again in the above chain. The data is transmitted by the reportRLLI0405. The report RLINVE00 simulates the re-transmission of thecount data from the external system to the SAP system.
For documentation on this data transmission, refer to the reportRLLI0405.
The following test options are provided in this report:

  • Testing via the ALE interface

  • The IDocs created in this report are transmitted to the function module'INBOUND_IDOC_PROCESS'. Further processing is the same as for thestandard interface from the external system through the ALE layer, thatis, IDocs are created. The respective application function module forprocessing IDocs is automatically called, and, if an error occurs, theworkflow is activated.
    So that the data receipt from ALE can be processed, you must define thepartner profile for the external system to be tested and the messagetype WMINVE. In the report selection, you must enter the externalsystem as the sender system. You must select the logical name of theSAP system in which this test is taking place as the receiving system.This name is defined in the client table as the logical system.
    Additionally, this test can take place in background processing. Forthis purpose, select the option "In Background Task".
    • Testing entry of counted data directly

    • The created IDocs are transmitted directly for processing from thisreport to the application function module (L_IDOC_INPUT_WMINVE). Theindividual count items are posted at the end of the processing and alog with the data is issued. This data is passed back, during normalprocessing, from this function module to the ALE layer. This type oftesting is appropriate to use if processing is to be tested within theapplication since there is no diversion through ALE. In this case, noIDoc is created either. In this way, the application logic can betested independently of the communication logic.
      To activate this type of test, select the option "Call processingdirectly". .
      Careful: Testing this interface can cause changes to thedatabase. If processing is successful, the goods movements defined inthe IDocs are executed.

      The data is transmitted in an interim structure WMIVID01. The targetdata of the inventory bins in the inventory documents serves as thebasis for the IDoc processing.
      If you have several IDocs, however, the transmitting system may onlycall the SAP system using an IDo. It can do this as often as required.
