SAP Program RLINV070 - Evaluation of Quant Inventory

Quant Inventory Evaluation

With this report, you can evaluate the inventory dates for the quants


On the initial screen, you can select according to storage number,storage type and material. In addition, a time interval (inventoryperiod) must be entered, to which the selection should refer.

The report produces a list which displays the status of the inventoryor of the individual quants in the selected inventory period. Diversequant and inventory dates are displayed (further data can be shown). Anicon displays the inventory status for the quant: A green marker meansthat the quant was counted in the relevant inventory period, and theinventory document was cleared (inventory status 'L'). This informationalways refers to the inventory last carried out in the analysis period.A red marker means that there is no inventory count with status 'L'(cleared) in the inventory period.