SAP Program RLINV060 - Execute Inventory with Cycle-Counting Method and by Quants

With this report, you can create the proposed quants entered in thedate interval for Cycle Counting Inventory, and generate an inventorydocument for these.
Cycle Counting Cycle makes it possible for you to separate materailsinto categories (such as A, B, C...) in order to take inventory foreach category separately several times throughout the year.

Before implementing cycle counting, you must make the following changesto your system:
Select Events -> Inventory -> CycleCounting in the Inventory Management Implementation Guide to definethe cycle counting indicators (cycle counting inventory indicators) andthe number of times per year that inventory counts are to be taken foreach material class.
Enter the cycle counting indicator (for example, A, B, C...) into theStorage view of the material master record for each materialthat will be counted using the cycle counting task.
Choose Activities -> Inventory -> Definetypes per storage type in the Warehouse Management ImplementationGuide and set the Cycle counting indicator for the desiredstorage type.
Important: If you use cycle counting, the system will not countmaterials for which the cycle counting indicator in the material masterhas not been maintained. This means that at the end of the fiscal yearsome materials in the storage type might still need to be counted. Thisis why you should perform an annual inventory for the remaining storagebins. To do this, set the inventory indicator in the desiredstorage type to ST for annual inventory (Activities -> Inventory -> Define typesper storage type).
Enter the time interval in the Inventory Period field duringwhich the inventory is to be carried out. The standard system defaultis seven days.

The system proposes quants for inventory, and selects all quants thatcan be counted. If one of the quants in the bin is blocked, the storagebin is displayed with the remark blocked but it is not selectedfor inventory. If required, you can sort the suggested bins by date.

Note on report usage
The idea of cycle counting, that is, several material counts during thefiscal year, requires that the program is executed regularly. Thefrequency figure should at least be the same as the maximum number ofcounts, but it can be higher.
Material 4711 is to be counted 12 times during the year
Material 4712 12 times
Material 4713 6 times
Material 4714 once
... ...
In this case, you could start the report 12 times and set the parameter"Inventory in time period" to an interval of one month. If counting isto take place more frequently, for example, 24 times, you can reducethe interval to two weeks. The aim is to cover the entire year.
If counting is to take place frequently, the counting is thus spreadout for A-materials. For the first selection in the fiscal year, onlyactivate material 4711 and not 4712. At the next program start,material 4712 is overdue, but material 4711 has already beeninventoried , and so on.