SAP Program RLBEST00 - Batch Input for Init.Entry of Stock Data

This report serves as a tool to assist in taking over stocks from aprevious warehouse into an R/3 warehouse. To do this, it reads datarecords from a data set that are stored in R/3 format (RLBES structure)and generates transfer orders either online or in batch input mode. Thedestination storage bins must be specified in the structure RLBES. Youdefine the source storage bin in movement type 561 (for example, usingstorage type 998 and storage bin "RECEIPT"). Movement type 561 isdelivered in the standard R/3 system for this purpose.

Special features
Beginning with Release 2.1C, the "Quantity" field is a CHARacter field.The maximum quantity can be entered as follows: 999999999.999
The goods receipt date is expected in the following format: YYYYMMDD
Beginning with Release 2.1A, the report works with logical file namesfor the data set that is to be read. The physical path and filenamecan be viewed and/or changed using Transaction SM30 in the tableV_FILENAME.
When creating transfer orders, the system arrives first at the itemscreen "TO Creation Screen" = 3. This means that the transfer orderpreparation screen is not processed and the quantity is not distributedamong storage units as defined in the material master record. Instead,the entire quantity of a material is interpreted as a single transferorder item.
If the data record was created using the PC connection, you must makesure that each record begins with a filler byte (that is, RLBES length+ 1 character). As of Release 3.0, this is automatically executed ifyou mark the selection screen accordingly. Up to Release 3.0 you mustmodify the program. For this purpose, you define a new structure(filler + included RLBES structure), import into this structure and setMOVE-CORRESONDING in the structure RLBES.

The output is in the form of a log with a list of the individual stocksand the corresponding destination storage types and bins.

For test purposes, you can use the report RLBEST10. This report isused as an example for creating a data set in R/3. The RLBES structureis hard-coded, and a data set is generated with the name RLBES. If youwant to use this report for test purposes, you must modify the reportin accordance with your requirements. You can import the dataset andadopt it in online mode using the report RLBEST00. An "onlinetakeover" works in display mode, that is, the screens appear in theforeground (this can also be changed in the program using mode E).
We recommend taking over the stocks via batch input.