SAP Program RLABGL00 - Stock Comparison Inventory Management / Warehouse Management

Using this report you can generate an inventory comparison between theIM System (Inventory Management) and the WM System (WarehouseManagement).
On the selection screen, you can limit the area for comparison byentering the plant / storage location, plant / warehouse number or onlythe warehouse number.
In addition to specifying the area, you can also determine the extent ofinformation to be issued. Here you have three options:
"With bin inventory"
In addition to generating the corresponding stock figures, you can alsohave a list of the corresponding WM bin quantities included.
"All data on material"
Even if only one difference occurs in one of the listed combinatationsof material / batch / special stock indicator / supplier, all materialcombinations are listed. This can be very helpful when searching forerrors.
"Clear differences"
If you mark this field, the system will generate a batch input session.By starting the batch input session, the differences to be cleared areremoved in the IM system. Negative WM stock figures and stockdifferences in returns will not be cleared.
If you want to have a batch input file generated for the purpose ofclearing the differences, it is important, for consistency reasons, thatthe materials in the respective warehouse are blocked in order thatpostings affecting stock figures can be prevented.
CAREFUL: If you generate this session, all the material stocksbelonging to the respective warehouse number are blocked completely,that is, for the duration of the program, no postings affecting thestock in the warehouse will be possible!

The comparison is also possible for warehosue numbers managed on adecentralized basis.

You receive a list with various materials. The list contains thefollowing information, for example:

  • The first line contains the plant, storage location, warehouse number,
  • material number, total stock in inventory management, total stock in thewarehouse, and the difference between the stocks.
    • The following line contains the first combination of batch / special
    • stock indicator / supplier (or sales document and item number for salesorder stock) and stock category (Q,R,S, ), the stock figures inInventory Management, in Warehouse Management, and the difference.
      • If a batch input session is to be generated, the list contains a note in
      • the log as to whether or not a session has been generated or behind thepushbutton "non-postable stocks", which materials could not be clearedbecause of negative stock figures or because they belong to returnsstock.