SAP Program RKXPRA01 -

This is a program for cleaning up bad time stamps in cluster tablesDSYO1 and DSYO2. Some records in these two tables have binary zeros intime stamps. These do import, but in any subsequent specification in aWHERE condition they are converted to blanks.
In Release 3.0 of the R/3 System, optimistic write is set in thecluster interface for all databases. This means that the cluster timestamp is imported correctly (with binary zeros where present), but whenthe time stamp is checked for a cluster write to the database, therecord is not found because the binary zeros have changed to blanks.This leads to an internal error in the cluster interface, and, forexample in a client copy, to a termination.
A correction is planned in the databes interface (dbttran.c) forRelease 3.0D. The present report is used to forestall any client copyerror.