SAP Program RKOTXT2U - Convert field KTEXT in table AUFK to uppercase

The accompanying online-report in the table of orders (AUFK) changesthe 40 character short text (field KTEXT) to uppercase letters. Thismeans that you can, for example, select orders displayed in short textby choosing the F4 help without having to worry about uppercase orlowercase letters.
Caution: The changes to uppercase letters cannot be reversed! Theinformation, which was displayed in lowercase letters in the shorttext, is lost.

The program changes only entries that already existed in AUFK. It doesnot prevent new orders with lowercase letters from being createdafterwards. To avoid this, a domain which does not permit uppercaseletters must be assigned to the data element AUFTEXT.
The program carries out an authorization check. The authorization "*"is necessary for you to carry out the program.
The program locks only the complete AUFK table. There should be nolocks in place for the AUFK table when you start the program.Conversely, you cannot make any written entries to this table duringthe running of the program.
For every 1000 orders a database commit is made. Should errors occur,the processing is aborted. Restarting the program is straightforward,as orders with exclusively uppercase letters in the short text do notundergo any changes.
Due to performance considerations you should at first limit theselection quantity. Overlapping of the selection quantity is not aproblem.

The program reports either errors which have occurred or the number ofchanged orders.