SAP Program RKOOLDXP - Move statistical cost center to new field

The existing online report changes some fields in the table of ordersAUFK. 4 fields that are no longer needed are re-initialized and thedescription for one of the fields has been updated. The CYCLE field isfilled with the cost center that is automatically posted with thestatistical orders.

You should run the report after the Put and not during it. If you donot carry out this report, the selections according to theautomatically posted cost centers do not work completely.
A conversion is only necessary for old orders. Orders that were createdfor 3.0 or later are correct from the start. Only changed orders areconverted in the operational system. Orders read from the archive areinterpreted correctly in the operational system.
The program carries out an authorization check You require theauthorization "*" to be able to carry out the program.
The program locks the complete AUFK table only. No locks for the AUFKtable may be set at the start of the program. Conversely, you can notwrite to the table when the program is running.
One database commit is made per 50 orders. If errors occur, processingis terminated. Restarting the program is not a problem.

The program reports either errors that have occurred or the successfulconversion.