SAP Program RKOCLASS - Classification of orders

This program classifies all the orders for a particular order type.
The characteristics of the class SAP_KKR_CLASS are taken from thefields in the order master, the contents of which are evaluated andstored in the classification system.
If SAP_KKR_CLASS also contains user-defined characteristics, you haveto maintain these manually in the order master.
As well as the subsequent classification function, you can also deleteall the classification data for a particular order type.
Both processing types ('subsequent classification' and 'deleteclassification') can be performed as test runs.

The system only classifies order types where the functionClassification has been activated, and that belong to one of thefollowing order categories:
,,01,,Internal order (Controlling)
,,02,,Imputed cost order (Controlling)
,,03,,Model order (Controlling)
,,04,,CO production order
,,10,,PP production order
Certain orders are not post-classified. These are the ones that weredistributed (using ALE) to the system where post-classification wasstarted (order master system <> current logical system).

Log containing the number of orders processed and number of orders thatcould not be processed (because their master system does not correspondto the current logical system where the program was started). Thesystem may display a list of the orders that were not processed. Theseorders were not processed because they were blocked by another user.

36326Enhancement of KKRAMERK (3.0/4.0 orders)
188231Orders cannot be classified