SAP Program RKLSDCREORG - Reorganization of Single Transaction Check

Reorganization of single transaction check tables.

The report deletes entries in the following tables:





  • Prerequisites
    You can use this report as from Banking Release 4.61 and CFM 1.0.


    It is possible to make a complex selection using STC products and byentering a key date. If the flag 'test run' is set, then no changes aremade to the database.

    The system selects data records from table KLZUEXTOBJ that are to bedeleted and that contain one of the selected STC products, for which nochanges have been made after the specified key date (if data recordshave been created but no subsequent changes have been made to them,then it is the creation date that is taken into account) and inwhich field XAKT is initial.
    If no information is given for the STC products, then the STC productof a data record in KLZUEXTOBJ is not a selection criterion.
    If no date is specified, then the date of the last change to the datarecord is not a selection criterion.
    For each record found in table KLZUEXTOBJ, the related data records inthe tables mentioned above are deleted using the key ARNR (key forexternal transactions).
    This is possible because records deleted in this way are either nolonger required, or are regenerated by end of day processing as thereare only two reasons for field XAKT being initial:

    • An internal transaction corresponding to this external transaction was
    • valued in end of day processing and replaces the external transaction
      • The external transaction was explicitly deactivated (such a transaction
      • cannot be reactivated)
        The report provides a list of the affected STC products, and the numberof data records deleted from table KLZUEXTOBJ.