SAP Program RKETRTXT - CO-PA Translation Tool

This program can be used to help you translate an operating concern.All objects which are necessary to run an operating concern in acertain language are proposed for translation. Note that not all textsare listed for translation, but only those required for the operatingconcern to be able to function.

An complete operating concern must exist in at least one language.

On the initial screen, enter the operating concern to be translated,the original language (in which it runs) and the target language (intowhich it is to be translated). Then choose 'Execute'.
Then a table with all objects required for an operating concern to runis displayed. The objects to be translated are displayed at the top inhighlighted format and the translated objects at the bottom of thetable in ordinary format.
The table consists of several columns:
a selection column
the object (currently only data elements - DATEL)
the object name as stored in the data dictionary
the text in the target language if it already exists.
You choose lines to translate by clicking them off. Choose 'Translate'to translate the lines.
For each object selected, the original text is displayed and a blankspace is left for your translation in the target language. Eachtranslated object must be saved.
In order to be able to use an operating concern, you must translate allobjects into the target language.