SAP Program RKEPCU20 - EC-PCA: Transfer Plan Data to Profit Center Accounting

4314371KE0:planning data transfer for shortened fiscal year
7795581KE0: time_out for plan data transfer from class. RE
322103Log for transfer of plan data
5304041KE0: Short dump DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
4535291KE0:program termination TSV_TNEW_PAGE_ALLOC_FAILED
303288KC019 for posting CO plan data subsequently
3267031KE0: Plan values are copied several times
320301Transfer of plan data for object types OR and OP
322134Plan data transfr profit.segments + network activts
210331Posting plan data does not write reverse line items
3057001KE0: incorrect data and cancellation for networks
202258Incorrect objects for posting subsequ. CO plan data