Program | Text |
RKEBPBATCHGPUG | Transfer of Plan Values to FI-SL |
RKEBPBATCHGPUH | Transfer of Plan Values to FI-GL |
RKEBPBATCHGPUL | Transfer of Plan Values to LIS |
RKEBPBATCHGPUP | Transfer of Plan Values to EC-PCA |
RKEBPBATCHGPUS | Transfer of Sales Quantities to SOP |
RKEBPR01 | CO-PA Mass Processing |
RKEBPRAD | List Display: Management |
RKEBPRG1 | Fill control tables TKEBPSF, TKEBPFM, TKEBPFL for mass processing |
RKEBPRUM | CO-PA-SPP: Conversion Program for Administration Entries from 3.0/3.1 |
RKEBW100 | CO-PA / SAP BW: DataSource for Transaction Data |
RKEBW200 | --- out of order --- |
RKEBW201 | CO-PA / SAP BW: Display Detailed Information about the DataSource |
RKEBW202 | CO-PA / SAP BW: Activate Debugging Support |
RKEBW203 | CO-PA / SAP BW: Active Debugging Support - Hierarchies |
RKEBW210 | --- out of order --- |
RKEBW211 | CO-PA / SAP BW: Simulate Initialization of the Delta Method |
RKEBW3CEXITS | Jumps (Goto) for TKE_EXITS prior to Release 4.6B |
RKEBW3CI | CO-PA characteristic: Master data import from SAP BW |
RKEBW3CKEDR | Derivation: Fixed Steps for CRM Characteristics |
RKEBW3CN | BW/CO-PA Retraction: Preselection for Status Extraction |
RKEBW3CR | CRM/BW/CO-PA: Release-Dependent, 3.1H and Higher |
RKEBW3CR40 | CRM/BW/CO-PA: Release-Dependent from Release 4.0B |
RKEBW3CR45 | Program RKEBW3CR45 |
RKEBW3CR46 | CRM/BW/CO-PA: Release-Dependent from 4.6B |
RKEBW3CR46C | Program RKEBW3CR46C |
RKEBW3GN | BW/CO-PA Retraction: Generation of Plan Data Reports |
RKEBW3RE | Retractor: Query Data Transfer |
RKEBW3RV | BW/CO-PA Retraction: Cancel Query Data Transfer |
RKEBW3UE | BW/CO-PA Retraction: Display Logs for Query Data Transfer |
RKEBW3VA | BW/CO-PA Retraction: Create Variant for Query Variables |
RKEBWHIERARCHY | CO-PA / SAP BW: DataSource for Hierarchies |
RKEBWUND | Correction Program: Replication Status for CO-PA DataSources |
RKEBWUP1 | XPRA for Deleting Generated Extractor Test Programs RK54XXXX |
RKEBW_KEB0 | CO-PA / SAP BW: DataSource for Transaction Data |
RKEC1CDA | EC-PCA: Display Change Documents |
RKEC1ROL | Profit Centers: Execute Rollup |
RKECADL1 | Cancel CO-PA Line Items |
RKECHERE | Check report line structure |
RKECONVOBJLEV | Conversion of object level tables: CE3 <-> CE3_PACKD/CE3_PACKT |
RKECORR99_EASY | Same COBK with T811D for Cycles in CO-PA |
RKECRM40 | Integration CRM / CO-PA: Release-Dependent Objects From 4.0B |
RKECRM45 | Integration CRM / CO-PA: Release-Dependent Objects From 4.5B |
RKECRM46 | Integration CRM / CO-PA: releaseabhängige Objekte ab 4.6B |
RKECRM46C | CRM / CO-PA Integration: Release-Dependent Objects from Rel. 4.6C |
RKECRM600 | CRM / CO-PA Integration: Release-Dependent Objects from Rel. 4.6C |
RKECRM_PCA_40 | Integration EC-PCA / CRM: Release-Dependent 40B |
RKEDEL01 | Delete Settings for Operating Concern |
RKEDEL03 | Delete Environment of Operating Concern |
RKEDELE1 | Deletion of CO-PA line items |
RKEDELTEST | Deletion of Test Data in CO-PA |
RKEDR001 | Copy rule values |
RKEDR002 | ... |
RKEDR003 | ... |
RKEDR004 | ... |
RKEDR005 | ... |
RKEDRCHECK | Characteristic Derivation: Check Table |
RKEDRCLEAN | Characteristic Derivation: Cleanup |
RKEDRCLEAN2 | Characteristic Derivation: Clean Up Programs/Tables |
RKEDRCOPA | CO-PA Derivation of Characteristic Values: Callbacks |
RKEDRCOPA_DEFAULT | CO-PA Derivation of Characteristic Values: Callbacks |
RKEDREXITS | Template: Exits for Derivation Tool |
RKEDRFIX | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation: Derivation of Fixed Characteristics |
RKEDRINTIDS | Derivation Tool: Set Internal IDs |
RKEDRPA2PC | CO-PA/Read Product Cost Estimate: Callbacks |
RKEDRPADI | Callbacks: Object-Dependent Distribution Keys |
RKEDRPAFC | Callbacks: Object-Dependent Forecast Profiles |
RKEDRPATR | Callbacks: Object-Dependent Revaluation Factors |
RKEDRPCAP | CO-PA Derivation of Characteristic Values: Callbacks |
RKEDRPLPA | Callbacks: Object-Dependent Revaluation Factors |
RKEDRPLSZ_DEFAULT | Derivation, Planning Aids CO-PA: Callbacks |
RKEDRPRINT | Characteristic Derivation: Overview |
RKEDRPRINT_ENTRIES | Derivation Rule: Print Rule Values |
RKEDRPRINT_ENTRIES_NEW | Derivation Rule: Print Rule Values |
RKEDRPRINT_NEW | Characteristic Derivation: Overview |
RKEDRSBUFFER | Display content of shared buffer for derivation tool |
RKEDRTFND | Derivation of Process Template for Dynamic Process Allocation |
RKEDRTRACE | Characteristic Derivation: Analyze Derivation Steps |
RKEDRTRACEWRITE | Characteristic Derivation: Provide Trace Information Saved in TKEDRX |
RKEDRTREE | Analysis |
RKEDRXPRA | XPRA: Derivation Tool: Regenerate Programs |
RKEDR_CLIENT_EXPORT | Create Transport Request for All Derivation Strategies in Client |
RKEDR_REGENERATE_AFTER_CC | Client Transport: Regenerate Programs for Derivation |
RKEDR_REGENERATE_ALL | CO-PA Characteristic Derivation: Regenerate Strategies |
RKEDSCLT | Sets Client for CO-PA DataSources After Transport |
RKEDU1ON | Main Drilldown Program for User Interface |
RKEFI005 | Document transfer from Financial Accounting to Profitability Analysis |
RKEGENABAP | Tool: Generate ABAPs |
RKEGENPLANNINGAID | Regenerate Code for Object-Dependent Planning Aids |
RKEGITD1 | Reverse Top-Down Distribution |
RKEHOH10 | Generate Seqential File with Line Items (generate data) |
RKEIMG00 | Call IMG |
RKEINDEX_45B | Delete Unused Indexes for CE Tables |
RKEINIT_CE4 | Initialize the CE4 Fields with NOT_NULL |