Program | Text |
RKCCOPR3 | Archive Aspect on File |
RKCCOPRT | Display Data Structure (with environment) |
RKCCOTB0 | Enter Aspect in Control Tables |
RKCCOTRC | Trace tool for comments with RFC interface |
RKCCOTX0 | SAP-EIS: Generation of text read modules |
RKCDAMAP | Summarize trans. data |
RKCDBCH2 | SAP-EIS - Consistency check of data basis |
RKCDEDEF | Maintain a File Description for the Flexible Upload |
RKCDEDIA | SAP-EIS: Call up of the data entry |
RKCDELET | Delete transaction data |
RKCDENNN | Mass deletion of EC-EIS/BP transaction data without output |
RKCDEREO | Flexible Excel Upload: Reorganization of TABLES |
RKCDISPV | Display Validations |
RKCDLALL | Delete Transaction Data |
RKCDLASP | Display/delete aspect-client relationship |
RKCDLCUA | Display/Delete Aspect Interface |
RKCDLDM0 | Display / Delete Summarization Program |
RKCDLDY0 | Display / Delete screens for an aspect |
RKCDLHIE | SAP-EIS Display/Delete Hierarchy |
RKCDLKR0 | Display / delete key figures |
RKCDLMD0 | Display / Delete master data |
RKCDLMD1 | Program RKCDLMD1: Delete entries T27nn, T28nn |
RKCDLMON | Data transfer: Display/delete logs |
RKCDLPR0 | Display / delete generated programs for an aspect |
RKCDLPT0 | Display/Delete Aspect Data Records (pool tables only) |
RKCDLST0 | Display Aspect Data Structure |
RKCDLTB0 | Delete Entries for Aspect from Control Tables |
RKCDMNNN | Summarization:T241A-ATEXT |
RKCDMSP0 | Report portf.: Data transfer |
RKCDOKUM | Maintain doc. assignment to SAP-EIS master data |
RKCDOREO | Reorganization of doc.flag for SAP-EIS master data table |
RKCDPREO | Reorganize file descriptions |
RKCDRIVE | SAP-EIS: Queue driver for R/3 - R/3 communication |
RKCDSDDG | EC-EIS/BP: Generation of a DataSource for Transaction Data Extraction |
RKCDSM_1 | Maintain Sender Structures for SAP-EIS Transaction Data |
RKCDSM_2 | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDSM_3 | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDSM_6 | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDSM_7 | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDSM_A | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDSM_H | Maintain/Display Sender Structures |
RKCDUMDM | Program for APPL_C |
RKCDUMON | Program for APPL_C |
RKCDUXPRA40 | Convert Sender Structures |
RKCEDITB | Help for generation |
RKCFC400 | XPRA type report for field catalog update for Rel. 4.0 |
RKCFILE0 | Import File |
RKCFILE7 | External Data Transfer: Start Transfer |
RKCFILEF | External Data Transfer: Start transfer |
RKCFILGN | Create Test File |
RKCGENPR | EC-EIS: Call up generation program for aspect |
RKCHE001 | test |
RKCHECKUO | Batch Report: Check Enterprise Organization |
RKCHIERA | Go to the hierarchy maintenance transaction of relevant application |
RKCHINOD | Maintain non-chargeable hierarchy nodes |
RKCHK005 | Program RKCHK005: test for all |
RKCHK010 | Program RKCHK010: Change in field catalog |
RKCIMSDR | Communication between R/3 - R/2 on IMS |
RKCIMSST | Starter for Communication with IMS Systems |
RKCKENNZ | Key figure class library |
RKCKISX1 | Create Index for CKIS: Where-Used List of Material Cost Estimates |
RKCLISPR | EC-EIS: Call up generation program for aspect |
RKCLISTS | List Display Tool |
RKCMASG | Background activation of generated structures |
RKCMDAGG | SAP-EIS: Reference report for generation: time aggregation |
RKCMDFU0 | Create Function Modules for Characteristics for Doc. Connection |
RKCMDYRC | SAP-EIS: Call Dialog Fiscal Year Maintenance |
RKCMKCGD | Aufruf der Generierung |
RKCMSG00 | Action log for generation and deleting |
RKCNSPSP | Filter function: Filter out the ref. WBS from the project list |
RKCOBKIN | XPRA Report: Follow-up Posting COBK Recs for Plan Docs from Beg. Inv. |
RKCOBTR1 | SAP-EIS: Transport Tool |
RKCOBTR2 | Transport Reports |
RKCOBTR3 | Import Reports |
RKCOBTR4 | Transport forms |
RKCOBTR5 | Import Forms |
RKCOBTR6 | Transport planning layouts |
RKCOBTR7 | Import Planning Layouts |
RKCOITS1 | Read CO Line Item Archive |
RKCOITS4 | Line item report from archive (CO_ITEM) |
RKCOITSP | CO_ITEM Archiving: Special Processing Switch On or Off |
RKCOKP01 | |
RKCOKPS1 | CO Planning: Fill New Database Fields for COKP and COKS for 3.0A |
RKCOO0SF | CO Object Planning: Fill Table COO0SFN |
RKCOOCUS | CO Planning: Display Customizing Data |
RKCOOKP1 | Set Period Locks in Batch |
RKCOOKP1_MORE | Set Period Lock for Several Years |
RKCORR01 | Correction Program: Debug CO Document Number Ranges |
RKCORR03 | Correction Program: Remove Discrepancies in Object Numbers |
RKCORR04 | Assignment Reconstruction: Transaction/Number Interval (CO) |
RKCORR05 | Reorganize Allocations Document Management |
RKCORR06 | Reorganize Revaluation Document Management |
RKCORR07 | Correction Program: Debug Order Settlement Number Ranges |
RKCORR09 | Clean Up Cost Elements (Plan Account Dependent Part) |
RKCORR10 | Correction Program: Compare BEKNZ in COEP and COSP |
RKCORR12 | Correction Program: Delete Unnecessary COBK_INDX Entries |