SAP Program RKCCOMD0 - SAP-EIS: Generation of update routines for master data maintenance

This program generates program routines for updating the master datafor characteristics generated in SAP-EIS. These routines are requiredfor transferring master data from R/2 systems. They are also used forthe maintenance of comments and documents for master data. They containfunctions required for checking authorizations for SAP-EIScharacteristics.
The routines for the update and deletion of characteristic values aregenerated once for each check table. The naming root is:'UPDATE_FIENM' 'DELETE_FIENM' where FIENM is replaced by the nameCDIFIE-CHFIE, that is, the name of the field to be checked in the checktable. The routine for extrapolating the text is called 'UPDATE_TTEXT'where TTEXT is replaced by the name of the text table.
The routines with the name 'APPEND_KEYNN_CEDST' are called up withinthe framework of the authorization check. The 'KEYNN' is replaced by thename of the field for which the authorization is to be checked.

The field catalog must be complete, that is, the aspect, check and texttables must have been generated without errors.

Program RKCMDEXE will be generated.