SAP Program RKAGJOBL_OLD - Fiscal Year Close: Carry Forward Commitment

During year-end closing, any commitment values that are still open canbe carried forward to the first period of the following fiscal year.

There was not lock on all documents to be processed for performancereasons.
Posting terminations may occur in certain unfavorable circumstances.
For this reason, purchase orders from previous fiscal years should notbe processed in parallel.
If you have activated the availability control for projects, no projectsshould be budgeted in parallel.
Only the assigned values are updated. Warning or error messages from theavailability control are suppressed.

If desired, the report delivers a detailed list of all purchase orderitems that were carried forward.

A purchase order has the delivery date 11/10/1996. The correspondingcommitment is shown in period 11/1996.
When the commitments for the fiscal year 1996 have been carried forward,the commitment is then shown in period 01/1997.