SAP Program RKACOR10 - Reconstruct commitments totals records from COOI

This report uses the commitment line items from the COOI table toreconstruct the total values for purchase order and purchaserequisition commitments in the COSP table. The report thereby ensuresthat no remaining book values remain on the totals records after thecomplete reduction of the commitment, which would lead to errormessages during the check to see whether archiving is possible.

Time of report run
Within the euro conversion, you can start the report at any timefollowing successful conversion. This means that you can also start thereport after resumption of production operations.

Notes on performance
You should always start the report in the background.

Special notes
You may not create or change any purchase orders or purchaserequisitions during the runtime of this report.

If you run the report as part of the euro conversion, the system listsin the conversion log those object numbers for which errors occurredduring the reconstruction of the commitments totals. Otherwise, iferrors occur, the system lists the keys for the totals records thatcould not be constructed correctly. Should any errors have occurred,contact the SAP hotline.