SAP Program RKACOK01 - Determine possible DUPRECs for TWAER conversion in CO tables

This report determines those key fields for tables COKP and COKS, forwhich double entries would exist due to the euro conversion. It thensaves these key fields in the exception table EWUCOK. The TWAER fieldis not changed during the conversion for these key fields.
If a unit costing exists for the specified key field , thecorresponding cost estimate number is also saved in exception tableEWUCOKAL. The transaction currency for the corresponding unit costingis not changed in this event.

Time of the report run
This report forms part of the preparation for the euro conversion. Youmay start it only after the production operation of the system has beenstopped.

Special notes
This report must be ended without errors before the conversion of thetables CKHS, COEJ, COKP, COKS, COSP and COSS.

Before the euro conversion, you had planned a particular cost elementin the controlling area currency DEM and in euro. A conversion from DEMto euro is no longer possible as double key field entries would arise.The key fields affected are saved in EWUCOK.