SAP Program RKAARCWR - Archiving CO Orders: Write Program


Archiving flow
In an archiving run, the system proceeds as follows:

  • All the orders to be archived are written to the archive with any
  • accompanying data.
    • All the orders in the newly created archives, and any accompanying
    • data, are deleted.

      Which orders are archived?
      Orders must satisfy the following criteria before they can be archived:

      • They must be Controlling orders - that is, category "01" to "06",
      • (AUFK-AUTYP), and
        • Their deletion indicators must be set, and

        • Their retention period 2 must have expired

        • The order category and retention period 2 depend on the order type.
          You start archiving with a variant, which you can maintain from thearchiving initial screen. You can use this variant to specify furtherselections. Orders in which the last change was made after the dateyou specify are not archived, although only the master data changes aretaken into account. Setting the deletion indicator does count as amaster data change however.

          Control switches

          • Processing: you can choose between "Test run", "Archive" and "Archive
          • and delete".
            If you choose "Test run", no archive is generated. The program merelydisplays the archiving statistics and if applicable, the internalorders to be archived. Nothing is deleted in this setting.
            If you choose "Archive", an archive file is generated. The deletionprogram is only started in the test run, so nothing is deleted.
            If you choose "Achive and delete", an archive file is generated and thedata is deleted. To do this, you need to switch on the automatic startfor the deletion program in customizing for the archiving object.
            • Log for each order: If you activate this switch, the program generates
            • a list of all the internal orders archived.


              Deletion at a later time
              If an archive has been generated and the relevant data was not deleted(you did not use the "Delete archived data" option), you can delete thedata later with transaction SARA. In the initialscreen, enter the object name "CO_ORDER", and select "Delete".
              If the archive has not yet been processed using the deletion program,the system informs you next time you initiate archiving. If the datafrom the relevant archiving run(s) were already deleted (by a laterarchiving run), you should highlight the incomplete run in archive filemanagement as being "Invalid".

              Partial archiving of settlement documents
              When you are archiving internal orders, any settlement documents arearchived too. However, it is also possible to archive them separately.
              Archiving settlement documents:

              • Proceed

              • Documentation
              • Archiving CO line items:
                When you archive internal orders, corresponding line items are archivedtoo. However, if you wish to archive the CO line items beforehand, usethe CO_ITEM "CO Line items" archiving object. (This applies to the COEPand COBK tables for example.)

514168Delete/archive meas./requests not possible for invstm.progr.
179345 Del/arch measur/appro requests for investmnt program