SAP Program RKAABRWR - Archiving Program for Settlement Documents (Write Program)


The posting date (AUAK-BUDAT) of the relevantsettlement is of decisive importance in the archiving of a settlementdocument. The document can be archived if the posting date meets thefollowing requirements:

  • It must be longer ago than the retention period
  • (TKB1-RESAU) entered in the settlementprofile. The retention period is given in months, not postingperiods.
    • It must not be later than the "Latest posting date"

    • It must be more than three months ago. A retention period of less than
    • three months is, therefore, not possible.
      You need the settlement documents if you want to cancel or repeat asettlement. To avoid data inconsistencies, the following requirementsmust also be met:
      • Either all the settlement documents for a settlement sender and
      • settlement period are archived, or none of them is. The documents arearchived if the retention period for a every single document hasexpired.
        • Settlement documents are archived by period, starting with the oldest.
        • This means that the settlement documents for a settlement sender andperiod are not archived until the settlement documents for the previousperiod have been archived, or are being archived in this run.

          In archiving of internal orders, settlementdocuments for the documents being archived are archived too, regardlessof the retention period entered for them.