SAP Program RKAABR03 - Reconciliation of settlement tables - expert program

This report compares the settlement credits with values that are storedin the settlement-specific tables (COSPD, COSSD, COSBD, AUAS). If anydifferences occur, you can adjust the settlement-specific tables.
You can use this report, for example, to clear rounding differencesthat have occurred due to the euro conversion.
CAUTION: This report should only be used by experts. Theprograms RKAABR01 and RKAABR02 are used within the framework of theeuro conversion.

Time of report run
Within the euro conversion, you can run the report at any timefollowing the resumption of production operations. However, you shouldend the report successfully before you start the next settlement.

Notes on performance
You should always start the report in the background.

Special notes
No objects may be settled when this report is running.