SAP Program RKAABR02 - Reconciliation of Settlement Tables - Update Run

This report establishes the consistencies between the settlementcredits and the settled values or settlement documents. This reportenables you, for example, to clear rounding differences that havearisen due to the euro conversion.
The report compares the settlement credits with the settled values insettlement-specific tables (COSPD, COSSD, COSBD, AUAS). If a differenceoccurs, the settlement-specific tables are adjusted. You can bring thebalance of an object to zero using a full settlement. Reconciliation isnot performed for objects that have entries in the COEPD table, as thistable is settled through a line item settlement.
For unlocked periods from the current fiscal year, the report alsocompares the settlement credits with the settlement documents. Youdetermine the balance for the credits for each cost element from theCOSP and COSS or AUAS tables. If differences occur, the AUAS table isadjusted. This ensures that the period balence can be zero during arepeated periodic settlement.

Time of report run
Within the framework of the euro conversion, you can run the report atany time following the resumption of production operations. However,the report should be successfully completed before you start the nextsettlement.

Notes on performance
You should always start the report in the background.

Special notes
No objects may be settled when the report is running.

If the system finds differences of more than 10 currency units duringthe reconciliation, the corresponding settlement tables are notcorrected. The incorrect records are listed in the euro conversionerror log. In this event, you should contact the SAP hotline.

398051INFO: CO-Cross Components (EURO)
388686Message MQ307