SAP Program RJ_JFNEU - IS-M/AM: LIS Reorganize Billing Documents

The program RJ-JFNEU can be used to reorganize information structuresfrom legacy documents. It reads IS-M/AM billing documents and updatesstatistics data in the information structures as would be the case ifthese documents had been created as new documents. This programcurrently only processes billing documents that exist in the system.Archived billing documents cannot currently be processed for thereorganization run.
Detailed information about the procedure for reorganizing informationstructures can be found in the Implementation Guide (IMG) for the
Media Information System under:
Setup Statistical Data.

Some function details

  • Version for reorganization

  • The program reads the selected billing documents and initiates thestatistics update. During the online update, statistics data isrecorded under version "000". However, this data is recorded under anumber you specify on the selection screen during this procedure. Theversion specified during reorganization must either start with "&" orwith the number "000". All others are reserved for the planningfunction. Version "000" is the version used to manage "productiveactual data" in the Logistics Information System. This means that datathat may already have been updated may still exist after thereorganization run if version "000" has not been specified explicitlyon the selection screen.
    • Redetermine update groups and update documents

    • You can specify whether the program redetermines update groups forbilling documents on the selection screen ("Redetermine update group"field) and updates the billing documents ("Update billing documents"field). If you select these options, the system takes account ofchanges that have been made in Customizing since the billing documentswere entered during the reorganization run and makes the necessarychanges in these documents. (It is not however possible to updatearchived documents).
      • Validity period restriction

      • You can specify when the program is to terminate the reorganization runon the selection screen ("Termination date" and "Termination time"fields). You can for example specify that the reorganization run thatis performed over a weekend is to be terminated on Monday morning whenthe online mode takes over. This is particularly important if billingdocuments are to be blocked during the run. The system records thestatus at the time of termination in a table (TMCW3) so thatcontinuation at a later stage is possible by specifying a run name("Name of run" field).
        • Block all billing documents

        • To prevent billing documents being changed when the system isreorganizing the information structures, you should select the "Blockall billing documents" parameter. This parameter should not be selectedduring a test run.
          • Error handling

          • If the program finds an errored document (for example, the customerdoes not exist in the document,....), it enters the document in thebatch log. This document is not taken into account duringreorganization.

            This program should only be run during background processing.
            Exception: Test system with small dataset.
            You are strongly advised to read the SetupStatistics Data in the IMG before running this program.

493964IS-M/AM: LIS statistics currency change w/o euro changeover