SAP Programs

Program Text
RJVSDGEOCHECK Check Overlaps in Geography in Material Determination/Exclusion
RJVSDHD IS-M: Plan Home Delivery of Materials in Periodical Sales & Dist.
RJVSDHD_COLLECT IS-M: Schedule SD Orders for MSD Home Delivery
RJVSDHD_HEADER_DELETE IS-M: Home Delivery Planning for SD Orders: Delete Planning Header
RJVSDHD_RELEASE IS-M: Create MSD Home Delivery Data for SD Orders
RJVSDHD_RELEASE_DELETE IS-M: Delete M/SD Home Delivery Data for SD Orders
RJVSDHD_VDAT_SHIFT IS-M: Move Shipping Date in MSD Home Delivery Planning for SD Orders
RJVSDMIXCREATELOG Create Media Issue Mixes: Display Log
RJVSDP IS-M/SD: Edit Packaging Characteristics of Media Issues
RJVSDPLANADS IS-M: Planning of Insert Booking
RJVSDPRODCOMP Edit Components for Each Media Product
RJVSDSHIPPRIO Edit Quantities for Each Delivery Priority
RJVSDWEEKDAYPLANT Weekday-Specific Plant Determination
RJVSD_MEDIA_ARTICLE IS-M: Article Master - Media Data
RJVSD_PACKRULE_COPY Copy Packaging Rules for Media Issues
RJVSIBLMNG Quantity Comparison SD Delivery<->AM Order for AI Inserts
RJVSIRHMNG Quantity comparison SD delivery<->AM order for ad insert TMC
RJVSIVTMNG Quantity comparison SD delivery<->AM order for AI distribution
RJVSORT1 IS-M: Report for Sorting an Internal Table
RJVSO_ADDRESS_CODE IS-M/SD: Report for Address Coding
RJVSO_CHECK_SHIPDATE IS-M/SD Check Deliveries for Shipping Orders for Publication Date
RJVSO_COMPLAINT_EXPORT IS-M/SD: Create Export File for Complaints for Shipping Orders
RJVSO_COMPLAINT_IMPORT Read Import File of Complaints for Shipping Orders
RJVSO_COMPLAINT_LIST IS-M/SD: Overview of Complaints for Shipping Orders
RJVSO_DELETE IS-M/SD: Report for Deleting Shipping Orders
RJVSO_DELETE_ALL IS-M/SD: Report for Deleting All Shipping Orders
RJVSO_DELETE_FROM_ARCHIVE IS-M/SD Shipping Order Archiving: Delete Archived Data
RJVSO_DELIVERABILITY IS-M/SD: Report for Determining Delivery Viability Sets
RJVSO_ERROR_LIST IS-M/SD: Comparison List for Address-Based Shipping
RJVSO_EXPORT IS-M/SD: Report for Generating an Import File
RJVSO_IMPORTJOB_CONTROLLER Start Import Jobs for Shipping Order
RJVSO_MONITOR IS-M/SD: Monitor for Shipping Order
RJVSO_PLANNING IS-M/SD: Generate Deliveries for Shipping Orders
RJVSO_PLANNING_UNDO IS-M/SD: Delete Deliveries for Shipping Orders
RJVSO_RELOAD_ARCHIVE IS-M/SD Shipping Order Archiving: Reload Archive
RJVSO_TEST IS-M/SD: Report for Testing Function Group JVSO
RJVSO_WRITE_TO_ARCHIVE IS-M/SD Shipping Order Archiving: Write Archive
RJVSP000 IS-M: Create Shipping Document Types
RJVSP001 IS-M: Create Shipping Documents
RJVSP100 IS-M: Print Shipping Documents
RJVTJV61 Selection for Planning Trigger Administration
RJVTJV63 Copy Period for Planning Trigger
RJVTJV64 Copy Past Planning Trigger Period
RJVTJV69 Planning Trigger - Overview
RJVTMCP IS-M: Product Market Coverage
RJVTMCP_ANALYSE_WEADR IS-M: Product Market Coverage
RJVTMCP_DELETE IS-M: Delete Market Coverage Tables JVTMCP... (No Archiving)
RJVTMCP_PLANNING IS-M: Planning for Product Market Coverage
RJVTMCP_PROT IS-M: Display Log for Product Market Coverage
RJVTMCP_SHIPORDPOS_DELIV_CHECK IS-M: Product Mkt Cov.: Shipping Order Items w/Incomplete Del. Params
RJVTMCP_SHIPORDPOS_IVWKN_CHECK IS-M: Product Market Coverage: Order Items w/o Audit Report Category
RJVTMC_HH_ASSIGN IS-M: Market Coverage: Assignment of Business Partner to Household
RJVVERS2 IS-M/SD: Shipping Preparation for Ad Pre-Print TMC
RJVVERS3 IS-M/SD: Shipping Preparation for Ad Pre-Print Distribution
RJVVERSV IS-M: Shipping Preparation for Title and Ad Pre-Print Inserts
RJVVLPP IS-M/SD: Shipping List for Periodical Post
RJVVLSB IS-M/SD: Shipping List for Labeled Periodical Post
RJVVLSEE IS-M/SD: Shipping List for Reduced Charge Package
RJVVSAN0 IS-M/SD: Shipping Overview
RJVXPRA2 XPRA for Conversion of ZEBU Databases; New Key Field ZEBUART
RJVXPRA4 XPRA: Convert TJV01 (Retro.Shipping - LFARTLOG after LFARTLOGRW)
RJVXPRA461_VERKMITART 4.61 XPRA: Fill New Field JRTROUTE-VERKMITART fr.Truck Route Contracts
RJVXPRA5 XPRA: Convert TJV01 (Retro.Shipping - LFARTLOG after LFARTLOGRW)
RJVXPRA6 XPRA for Copying Shipping Doc.Destinations TJV51 -> TJV54/TJV105
RJVXPRA7 IS-M: Enter Data in New Fields in JVTFEHLER for 3.04 (can be repeated)
RJVXPRA8 IS-M/SD: Convert Planned Circulation Quantities for Carrier Route
RJVXPRA9 IS-PSD: Convert JVTBEZGP (Initialize New Fields)
RJVXPRAPACK IS-M: Convert Common Odd Bundle Group (TJD43,44,45)
RJVZAEM0 IS-M/SD: Prepare Standard Delivery Exception
RJVZBUCH Shipping Document Carrier List - Carrier Route
RJVZEBU1 IS-M: Transfer Postal ZEBU File
RJVZEBU2 IS-M/SD: Save Old ZEBU File and Compare With New ZEBU
RJVZEBU3 Convert ZEBU with Bundling Type (JZEBUART)
RJVZUBEZ IS-M/SD: Print Report for Evaluation Carrier <-> Carrier Route
RJVZUREK IS-M/SD: Print Carrier List for Complaints
RJVZUSTM IS-M: Maintain Carrier Notifications
RJV_NOTICE_CREATE IS-M/SD: Create Carrier Change Notifications
RJV_NOTICE_DELETE IS-M/SD: Delete Carrier Change Notifications
RJV_POTNOTICE_CREATE IS-M/SD: Create Potential Carrier Change Notifications
RJV_PRE_SHIP_QUANTITY_CHECK Quantity Comparison for Advance Delivery
RJWAKTIST Update Sales Promotions
RJWAKTVG Compare Sales Promotions
RJWAUZSP Overview of Orders for Gifts
RJWCL001 Creation of a Standard Letter from Object Search (Classification Sys.)
RJWCLSERIE001 Creation of Standard Letter for Classified Business Partners
RJWETFSP Print Labels for Free Gifts
RJWPRVBR IS-M/SD: Overview of Gifts Sent/Reserved
RJWSERIE Standard Letter for Sales Promotion
RJWWAZGE Sales Promotions per Geographical Unit
RJWWKGP IS-M/SD: Display Sales Activities for Business Partners
RJWXPRA402_JWAKTDRER IS-M/SD: XPRA to Enter Data in JKACCOUNT-WAERK for Release 4.02
RJWXPRA402_JWEVENT IS-M/SD: XPRA to Enter Data in JKACCOUNT-WAERK for Release 4.02
RJY0XPRA Maintenance Report for Users
RJY2XPRA Test Report
RJY9XPRA Test Program for Function Module ISP_XPRA_1
Lines 30401 to 30500 of 57103 entries
1 303 304 305 306 307 572