SAP Program RJYSSACT - IS-M/SD: Load Generation of SAPscript Forms

If the same form is to be used by several processes, these can beserialized if the form load needs to be generated. The first processthen blocks the entry in STXL and those that come after it must waituntil the block is released.
The form loads must be generated each time the system is started.
This report enables you to generate form loads and the accompanyingfont loads directly. Since there is a separate load for eachcombination of form, device type and language, generation may take sometime.
Since the problem of serialization only arises when shipping documentsare created in parallel, it is advisable only to generate the loads forthe forms and printers used in this context. This is the purpose of theindicator 'Generate according to shipping document control' on theselection screen. If the indicator is selected, the system ignores theentries in the other selection fields.