SAP Program RJYPV001 - Check Consistency of Deliv.Qties with Sold-To Party for Shipping

This report can be used to identify deliveries that contain errors.Deliveries are identified as containing errors if their quantities areinconsistent with the quantities for the orders assigned to them.
The check always takes place for a shipping date. Further selectioncriteria are the plant, the publication and edition delivered and thelogistical delivery type. A parameter checkbox allows you to choosebetween a 'normal' and comprehensive log list (see below, under'Output').

The program creates a list of deliveries identified as beinginconsistent. The list contains the following data on these deliveries:

  • Public.,, ,, Publication delivered

  • Edition,, ,, Edition delivered

  •,, Publication date of issue delivered

  •,, Shipping date

  • Plnt,, ,, ,, Plant from which the issue is delivered

  • SOrg,, ,, ,, Sales organization for delivery

  • DC,, ,, ,, Distribution channel for delivery

  • CG,, ,, ,, Customer group supplied

  • LD,, ,, ,, Logistical delivery type

  •,, Technical delivery number (key)

  • SD,, ,, ,, Technical subsequent delivery number (key)

  • Deliv.qty,, Delivery quantity recorded for delivery

  • Order quantity,,Order quantity determined from the total of

  • ,, ,, ,, ,, the orders assigned
    For each delivery with an incorrect quantity, any nonexistent ordertables are listed as follows:
    • Order no.,, Number of order assigned

    •,, ,, Technical item number of item assigned

    • SLNo,, ,, ,, Schedule line number in order

    • JKAK,, ,, ,, Entry in table JKAK (order header) missing if 'X'

    • JKAP,, ,, ,, Entry in table JKAP (item) missing if 'X'

    • JKEP,, ,, ,, Entry in table JKEP (schedule line) missing if 'X'

    • If you selected the parameter for the comprehensive list, further linesare displayed containing data on the orders assigned to each 'faulty'delivery. The following data is displayed for each order:
      • Order no.,, Number of order assigned

      • ItNo.,, ,, Technical item number of the item assigned

      • SLNo,, ,, ,, Schedule line number in order

      • SDTy,, ,, ,, Sales document type

      • ST,, ,, ,, Schedule line type (only relevant in special cases)

      • OrdPub.,, ,, Publication purchased in the order

      • OrdEdit.,, ,, Edition purchased in the order

      • OD,, ,, ,, Delivery type specified in the order

      • Purch.qty,, Quantity purchased in order

      • +/-,, ,, ,, Indicates an additive or subtractive order quantity

      • Assgt qty,, Quantity in delivery assignment (only relevant in

      • ,, ,, ,, ,, special cases)
        The number of deliveries checked by the program and found to containerrors is also displayed. Additional information on the run time isdisplayed at the start and end of the list.