SAP Program RJYPI001 - Check AR Data - AR Category for Orders on Shipping Date

This report can be used to identify a possible cause of aninconsistency between the delivery and CAR quantities (in statistics oraudit statements). The report finds orders for which delivery wasperformed but which are not assigned to a CAR category on this date.
The check takes place for a shipping date. Further selection optionsare the plant and the publication and edition delivered. A parametercheckbox allows you to choose between a 'normal' and extensive log list(see below).

The summarized log lists how many orders were checked and how many didnot have CAR categories for the shipping date.
If you select the parameter 'Extensive log', the report lists allorders that have no categories.
If you also select the parameter 'List of orders not relevant to CAR',the report creates a further list of the orders not relevant forcirculation audit.