SAP Program RJYFACID - IS-M/SD: Generate Factory Calendars for Billing and Service Settlement

Report RJYFACID can be used to generate factory calendars thatdetermine the billing/settlement schedule for invoicing customers andservice settlement. You then only need to enter the generated calendarsin customizing as admissible billing and settlement calendars.

You must make the following entries on the selection screen:

  • Factory calendar ID and name of factory calendar

  • Validity period

  • Frequency for billing/settlement schedule (annually, six-monthly,
  • quarterly, monthly or weekly)
    • Starting date

    • Text for the special rule (for example, billing date)

    • The starting date is the first billing date. It is used with thefrequency to determine and create the follow-up dates within thevalidity period of the factory calendar.
      If a factory calendar ID already exists, you cannot use this report togenerate the special rules. In this case the factory calendar must bechanged manually.