SAP Program RJYDATU1 - Delete and Create Indices for Data Transfer

When legacy data is transferred, a large amount of data is importedinto the system. This would normally mean that data would have to beadded to all indices belonging to a table every time an insert wasperformed. Since the records cannot be placed in a sort sequence thatis suitable for all indices when the legacy data is imported, thestorage quality of the indices becomes worse with each record. Theindices should ideally be reorganized immediately. Moreover, massupdate of a large number of indices is in fact also ineffectual.
This problem enables you to avoid these two problem areas by deletingthe indices before data transfer. The deletion only applies to thedatabase and the indices remain stored in the SAP Repository.
The import procedure now takes place without updating the indicesimmediately.
Once the legacy data has been imported successfully, the indicesdeleted must be reorganized. This can also be done using this program.The reorganization of the indices usually increases their storagequality greatly.
The program has the following parameters:
Data transfer object
Specify the data transfer to be prepared in this field. The report usesthis data to determine all indices in the system. If you have definedyour own indices, they are also taken into account.
The following data transfer objects are supported:
- BP = Business partner
Delete indices before transfer
This function deletes the indices for the selected data transfer objectfrom the database. The function must be executed BEFORE data transfer.
Create indices after transfer
This function creates the indices for the selected data transfer objecton the database. This should be performed AFTER the transfer.
You should use batch processing to delete the indices before thetransfer and, more importantly, to create new ones after the transfer.Creating indices is particularly likely to exceed the upper run timelimit for dialog processing.

This report can only be run in client 000.

The report creates a list of all affected tables with their indices.The list indicates the result with which the required function wascarried out for each index.