SAP Program RJVZEBU2 - IS-M/SD: Save Old ZEBU File and Compare With New ZEBU

This report saves the 'old' ZEBU data in a backup file and imports thenew ZEBU data.
It compares the two files and creates a log.
This log indicates the following:

  • New records that were not in the old ZEBU file

  • Records that were in the old file and were since modified (they are not
  • imported but simply logged; to correct them, they must be deleted and anew record created in ZEBU maintenance)
    • Records no longer in the new ZEBU that can therefore be deleted (this
    • is done manually in ZEBU maintenance)

      The following logical file names must be maintained in order to executethis program:

      • For standard ZEBU:

      • ISP_ZEBUDAT: New ZEBU data
        ISP_ZEBUDAT_BACKUP: Backup copy of old ZEBU data
        • For ELN:

        • ISP_ZEBUELN: New ZEBU data
          ISP_ZEBUELN_BACKUP: Backup copy of old ZEBU data
          • For SLN:

          • ISP_ZEBUSLN: New ZEBU data
            ISP_ZEBUSLN_BACKUP: Backup copy of old ZEBU data