SAP Program RJVZBUCH - Shipping Document Carrier List - Carrier Route

This report generates the carrier list for carrier routes.
The carrier list is a shipping document. However, it is not generatedusing the normal procedure for shipping document creation for thefollowing reasons:

  • The carrier list is only created on request.

  • Special selection and control options are required to create the
  • carrier list.
    We recommend that you use report variants for selection.

    Circulation planning must have taken place for the selected shippingdate, i.e. deliveries must exist in the system.
    You can only create the carrier list without selecting a carrier routein background processing.

    The standard form ISP_VSP_ZUSTBUCH is provided for the carrier list.However, you can also specify a compatible customer form in theselection criteria.
    You can predefine the form name as a default in the general Customizingsettings for IS-M/SD (General Settings -> Maintenance of General IS-MControl Parameters). In the 'Shipping' block, you can specify the nameof a form in the field 'Form/carrier list'.
    The standard form is defined in A4 format with a 3-line output.
    In addition, the report creates an error list (outwith the form).

400932IS-M/SD carrier list, offers