SAP Program RJVVERS2 - IS-M/SD: Shipping Preparation for Ad Pre-Print TMC


Program RJVVERS2 carries out shipping preparation for total marketcoverage (TMC).
TMC takes place based on the IS-M/SD ad pre-print order.

Which data is updated?
Program RJVVERS2 performs shipping preparation for TMC, i.e. itgenerates deliveries for TMC on a delivery date (JVTLFNG). Thepublication date of the carrying issue from the ad pre-print order itemis used as the shipping date for the delivery.
Shipping preparation for ad pre-print TMC can only be carried out forad pre-prints in plants for which TMC was not yet carried out on thedelivery date.
If this is the case, in part at least, the selected ad pre-prints inthe plants for which TMC had already been performed are displayed onthe log list. TMC is carried out for the selected ad pre-prints (foreach plant) to which this does not apply.
No delivery-order assignments for ad pre-print TMC are updated.

Selection Options
Shipping preparation for ad pre-print TMC selects ad pre-print ordersfor TMC for a selected delivery date. Selection can be restricted tocertain plants and ad pre-print publications.
You can either enter a home delivery date or have the system determineone. If you select the parameter 'Soonest possible delivery date', thesystem determines the soonest possible home delivery date for yourselection criteria. If the system is unable to determine a uniquedelivery date, shipping preparation does not take place. There istherefore no point in carrying out automatic determination unless youspecify selection criteria that permit determination of a uniquedelivery date. (A unique delivery date can always be determined if thefunction 'Set shipping date' was last carried out for the same delivery(shipping) date or if it was also carried out with automaticdetermination of the soonest possible delivery date.)
It is possible to delete ad pre-print TMC that has already been carriedout. The deletion run deletes all deliveries that correspond to theselection criteria on condition that bundling has not been performedfor them. Deletion only takes place provided packaging has not takenplace for any of the selected deliveries.
A further parameter allows you to select a test run (without databaseupdates).

Meaning of the order deadline:
Shipping preparation can only be executed if the order deadline (forTMC) has been reached. If shipping preparation is restarted for ashipping date for which it has already been performed, the system onlyselects ad pre-print orders for which TMC has not yet taken place.


General Control Parameters for IS-M in Customizing
Shipping preparation for TMC is active if TMC takes place based on theIS-M/SD ad pre-print order.
Shipping preparation is not active in the system if TMC takes placeusing IS-M/AM insert orders.
If insertion (and therefore also TMC) is processed in IS-M/AM,deliveries for TMC are generated using a separate function.

Which data must be maintained?
There must be ad pre-print orders for TMC that correspond to theselection criteria.
The shipping function 'Set shipping date' should have been carried outfor all selected ad pre-print orders for TMC on the delivery date.

Which types of processing cannot be performed parallel to shippingpreparation for ad pre-print TMC?
When performing TMC:

  • Editing selected ad pre-print orders for TMC

  • Release run for a change number
    When deleting TMC:
    • Delivery processing, netchange, regenerative planning
    • Output

      Output structure

      List of selected ad pre-prints for which TMC had already beenperformed:
      The report lists the ad pre-print publications (for each plant) forwhich TMC was already performed on the delivery date.

      Error log if the function 'Set shipping date' has not yet beenperformed:
      The program lists the shipping dates (more precisely, shipping date,logistical delivery type and plants) for which the function 'Setshipping date' has not yet been carried out.

      List output if shipping preparation has been carried out:
      List of deliveries processed in shipping preparation:
      The report lists the deliveries created or deleted by shippingpreparation.
      If the deletion run selects deliveries for which packing has alreadytaken place, bundling must be deleted for these deliveries before thedeliveries themselves can be deleted. In this case, the packeddeliveries are displayed in the list for the deletion run.

      Fields output:

      List if 'Set shipping date' has not been carried out:
      (only if ad insert not active)
      Fields for shipping function 'Set shipping date':
      - Plant
      - Logistical delivery type

      List of deliveries processed:
      Fields for delivery:
      - Shipping date for delivery
      - Publication date of issue
      - Quantity
      - Actual mix type:
      = Mix type for order item
      - Actual publication:
      Ad pre-print publication
      - Actual delivery type
      = Delivery type for ad pre-print distribution
      - Carrier route
      - Delivery round
      - Geographical unit
      - Customer group
      - Sales document type grouping
      - Subsequent delivery number
      - Delivery number:
      When you create a new delivery, number assignment has not yet
      taken place at the time of output.
      - Internal program field: internal delivery number