SAP Program RJVNCNOT - IS-M/SD: Circulation Planning by Order in Netchange


This report performs netchange order by order for circulation planning.

Report for sequential update of order changes in netchange.
Unlike the collective netchange procedure, which performs retroactiveplanning for all order changes at once, this report carries it outorder by order.
This means that this report can, for example, be used if certain orderchanges in collective netchange caused the system to crash. The reportenables you to remove all order changes from the netchange files otherthan those that actually contain errors. The order changes that do notcause errors are then updated.
However, you must also determine the reason why the collectivenetchange terminated and remedy the error as quickly as possible.
This report updates the status table for the order finalizationdeadline, JVTANNSTAT, which controls the sequential flow of theshipping programs internally. The flag indicating that netchange wasperformed successfully is selected in this table for all shipping datesif the order by order netchange procedure was performed as a live runwithout selecting specific orders.

Selection criteria:
This report starts report RJVNETCH for each order.
You can select certain orders. A further parameter allows you to choosebetween a live or test run.
Parameters for report RJVNETCH supplied by program:
Report RJVNETCH is always run in such a way that the database changesare made during update. This means that errors in database operationslead to update being terminated but not to termination of the programitself.
Errors that can be traced back to inconsistent data in individualorders are logged and displayed for each order.
You must specify the following data for output control for thenetchange logs for order changes:
- Printer
- Number of printouts
- Print immediately
- Delete after output
- Retention period (in days)
- Print cover sheet
- Text


Output in dialog:
Output is split into two sections
List of all order numbers transferred to the netchange program. Pleasenote: it is possible that retroactive planning was not possible for allthese orders. Please check the entire log. At the end of the log is alist of orders for which retroactive planning was not possible due tointernal inconsistencies in the program, or in which updatecancellations occurred.
List of individual orders for which retroactive planning was notpossible due to inconsistencies in the program or in which updatecancellations occurred. An error message is logged for each erroredorder, enabling you to deduce more information on the errors thatoccurred.
The concrete results of the netchange procedure for each order changecan be output in separate spool lists. These results are placed in aseparate spool file for each day. Print control settings can be made onthe report selection screen (see above). If printing is performed tothe spool file, these netchange logs can be displayed or printed usingspool management. There is generally no good reason for printing outall these concrete results.

Batch output:
Output depends on how the corresponding batch jobs are set up. Pleaseread the following proposals:

Proposal 1 for batch job:
Step 1 of job: report RJVNCNOT
The spool number of the job then refers to the list for this report:list of all order numbers (including error notes, see above)transferred to the netchange report.
The concrete results of the netchange procedure are placed in aseparate spool list for each day. Print control settings can be made onthe report selection screen (see above). If printing is performed tothe spool file, these netchange logs can be displayed or printed usingspool management.

Proposal 2 for batch job:
If more information is required, you can set up a list of all netchangerecords (report RJVNCLIS) as step 1 in the job and this report as step2, so that each list is available under its own spool number. Netchangeresults for the order are the same as proposal 1.