SAP Program RJVLFSTA - IS-M/SD: Update Daily Statistics for Deliveries


This program can be used to update daily delivery statistics (instructure JVTLFSTAT). If these statistics are updated, they can be usedas a basis for further evaluations.

Which data is updated?
The program creates daily delivery statistics (JVTLFSTAT), i.e. itupdates the statistics for deliveries to which the following criteriaapply:

  • Packing already performed

  • Publication date (of issue) in the past

  • (Exception: Daily statistics are always updated for correction
    deliveries and subsequent deliveries but not for packed deliveries)
    • Deliveries not included in the statistics until now

    • (Deliveries for ad pre-print distribution and delta coverage are not

    • included in these daily statistics)
      Substitution and combination issues as well as title inserts areincluded in the daily statistics.
      An indicator is selected for all deliveries that have been included inthe daily delivery statistics (JVTLFNG).

      Selection options
      You can select a period for which the daily delivery statistics are tobe updated. This period must be in the past.
      You can also select a parameter to perform a test run (without databaseupdates).


      Which data must be maintained?
      There must be deliveries that are relevant to daily statistics (seeabove) for the selected period.

      Which types of processing cannot be performed parallel to updating thedaily delivery statistics?

      • Netchange for circulation planning

      • Regenerative planning of circulation planning

      • Delivery processing

      • Shipping preparation for insertion/distribution/delta coverage
      • Output

        Output structure
        The report generates and displays daily delivery statistics fordeliveries and title inserts. (Ad pre-print inserts are not recordedfor daily delivery statistics, nor is ad pre-print distribution and adpre-print delta coverage). The address data (country, region) apply tothe shipping date of the delivery (which can differ from the public
        ation date of the issue).

        List structure:
        The report lists the new and modified daily delivery statistics.

        Fields output

        List of daily delivery statistics:
        Fields for daily delivery statistics:

        • Publication date of issue

        • Issue number

        • Country in ship-to party address

        • Region in ship-to party address

        • Publication

        • (the publication in substitution, combination and insertion)
          • Edition

          • (the edition in substitution, combination and insertion)
            - Mix type
            (the alternative mix type (if defined in the insert mix) for
            the combination types 'Substitution' and 'Combination'; the
            mix type is initial for the combination type 'Insertion')
            • Logistical delivery type

            • (with the combination type 'Combination', this is the
              logistical delivery type assigned to the alternative delivery
              type for the combination, if defined in the mix type definition)
              • Customer group

              • Price group

              • Quantity in daily delivery statistics