SAP Program RJVEDS02 - IS-M/SD: Create Goods Arrival Record (GAR)

This report is used to create the goods arrival record (GAR) for postalshipping of postal distribution items according to version 2.0 of theGerman "Pressepost" (periodical post) manual of April 18, 1997.
The report creates four record types:
- Record type 01 - Header
- Record type 02 - Pallet
- Record type 03 - Postal code shipment quantities
- Record type 05 - Sender/charges
The report can only be used to process standard pallets; it is notpossible to create a GAR for pallets containing a mixture of titles.
The goods arrival record cannot be created correctly if you do notmaintain the data described below.
Choose Shipping Creation -> Postal Documents -> Goods Arrival Record
in the menu.
Choose Plant Data for GAR and maintain the customer number andname of the manufacturer, the country ID of the manufacturer's pickuppoint according to the DIN norm (NB the country ID has four digits, forexample 0276 for Germany), the transportation indicator and the goodsarrival type for the plant (location from which the edition is shipped).The report can only be used for goods arrival without job splitting,which means you must choose O as the goods arrival type. You must alsoenter the customer number and name of the sender, the product number(for example, 1311, Postal Distribution Item), and the customer numberand name of the IT customer.
Enter the initial sales date and the home delivery date underAlternative 1stSale/Delivery Date if these differ from thepublication date.
Please note that the sales indicator for the press object must contain 7characters (if it only has 5 characters, for example C8041, you mustenter C_08041).

The report outputs to the physical file on the application server thatis assigned to the logical file name in the Basis Customizing settings.
The character strings '' and '' in the logical filename are replaced, if found, as follows:

  • is replaced with the postal distribution indicator

  • is replaced by the current date

  • A log and error list are displayed.
    You can also run the report in test mode, in which case there is nooutput to the file.