SAP Program RJVDISP1 - IS-M/SD: Circulation Planning for Backdated Order Items


This program performs circulation planning for the retroactive periodfor backdated order items (retroactive planning).

Backdated order items are possible in the subscription order and theretail order.

Which data is updated?
The program performs planning for backdated order items, i.e. itgenerates deliveries for the backdated period for backdated order andretail items. Shipping takes place for these deliveries as part ofbundling. The daily quantities for each issue in the backdated periodare recorded with other information in the deliveries (JVTLFNG).
In addition, the program updates information on which orders aresupplied by which deliveries (JVTLFZUO).

Special features of backdated planning:
Backdated shipping is only performed for order items that do not have ashipping block (in the shipping details screen for the order item).
Planning for the combination type 'Substitution' takes place in thebackdated period and the combination types 'Separate combination' and'Insertion' are not taken into account in the backdated period.
If alternating delivery addresses are maintained for the backdateditem, delivery for the backdated period always takes place to theaddress of the main item. This means that alternating deliveryaddresses have no meaning for the backdated period.
The shipping date for the deliveries is determined as follows:

  • The report takes the shipping date from the selection screen for order
  • items for which backdated shipping is to take place immediately. Thisshipping date can either be specified explicitly or determinedautomatically.
    • When output for the retroactive period is to be delivered together with
    • the first regular delivery, the shipping date for the order items istaken from this first regular delivery.
      • Backdated shipping can take place immediately for subscription and
      • retail items but only subscription items can be delivered with thefirst regular delivery.
        Meaning of order finalization deadline for backdated shipping:
        • The order finalization deadline is irrelevant to immediate shipping.
        • Shipping can take place at the earliest with the planned shipping datefrom the order item.
          • If delivery takes place with the first regular delivery, the order
          • finalization deadline must be set for this first regular delivery.
            The function for automatically determining the shipping date(specifying a shipping group) can be used to include this program asshipping preparation for planning for backdated order items in theshipping chain (bundling and shipping document creation).
            A shipping group is an organizational grouping of publications thathave the same shipping cycle. For example, all monthly copies for whichshipping takes place on the same date.
            For immediate shipping, it is usually advisable to schedule thisprogram several times. Scheduling must also always take place within ashipping chain so that bundling and shipping document creation areperformed afterwards. For monthly copies, for example, immediateshipping of copies already published can be performed each week.
            You can only create backdated order items for publications for whichimmediate shipping or shipping with the first delivery is maintained inthe publication master data.
            Shipping with the first regular delivery is only possible forsubscription items.
            You can specify a delivery type for backdated shipping for each orderdelivery type when maintaining delivery types. This delivery type forbackdated shipping (which must itself be an order delivery type) iscopied as a default to the backdated order item in immediate shippingand can also be changed there.

            Selection options
            Planning for backdated order items can be restricted to certain plants,editions and delivery types.
            You must specify a shipping date, which cannot be in the past.
            You must specify a shipping date for immediate shipping. If this dateis the same as or later than the planned shipping date for the orderitem, retroactive planning is performed.
            This shipping date is of no relevance in delivery with the firstregular delivery.
            The indicator 'Backdated shipping complete' is selected in this orderitem once retroactive planning has taken place for an order item.
            A further checkbox can be used to determine whether or not a deletionrun is to take place. Once all the deliveries in the retroactive periodare deleted, the deletion run resets the indicator 'Backdated shippingcomplete' in the order item. Deliveries can only be deleted if packinghas not yet taken place.
            Further parameters allow you to choose to perform a test run (withoutupdates to the database) and a compact list (only containing thebackdated order items).


            Which data should be maintained?
            There must be backdated order items that match your selection criteria.

            The following types of processing cannot be performed in parallel toplanning for backdated order items:
            - Editing deliveries
            - Editing orders
            - LIS update for deliveries


            Output structure

            Structure of the compact list (only orders and no deliveries):
            Live run (no deletion run):
            The report displays the following backdated orders:

            • Those for which planning was performed for immediate shipping

            • Those where planning was not possible for immediate shipping (including
            • error notes)
              • Those for which planning was performed for delivery with the first
              • delivery
                • Those where planning was not possible for delivery with the first
                • delivery (including error notes)
                  Deletion run:
                  The report displays the following backdated orders:
                  • Those for which all backdated deliveries were deleted. The 'Backdated
                  • shipping complete' indicator is reset for these order items.
                    • Where deletion was not possible for all backdated deliveries because
                    • they included deliveries for which packing had been performed. Anydeliveries existing for which packing had not been performed weredeleted. The indicator 'Backdated shipping complete' could not be resetfor these order items.

                      Structure of comprehensive list (orders including deliveries):
                      Overview of orders for which planning was performed
                      The overview of orders for which planning was performed contains thesame data as the compact list (see above).
                      Overview of new, modified and deleted deliveries

                      Fields displayed
                      (The header as it appears in the list is displayed in brackets)

                      List of order items:
                      Fields for order item (JKAP and JKAPRV):

                      • Order number (Order no.)

                      • Item number (ItNo.)

                      • Start of validity of backdated item (Valid fr.)

                      • Start of regular period for item (

                      • End of validity of backdated item (Valid to)

                      • Plant (Plnt)

                      • Publication (Public.)

                      • Edition (Edit.)

                      • Delivery type (DT)

                      • This is always the delivery type for the order item. For immediateshipping, you can specify an alternative delivery type for thebackdated period.
                        Notes on order item (planning completed):
                        • Packing was already performed for the delivery on which the combination
                        • delivery was based, so that planning was performed for an immediatedelivery (Combin.). If this indicator is selected, the order item ismarked as a combination but since this was not possible, the Systemperformed or attempted immediate delivery.
                          • There are no issues relevant for planning in the backdated period (No
                          • issues).
                            Error notes for order item (planning was not performed):
                            • The planned shipping date for the backdated order item for immediate
                            • delivery is after the selected shipping date (PlDate not OK).
                              • No planning data was found for the order item for immediate delivery
                              • (No plann.view).
                                • No first regular delivery was found for combination delivery (No basic
                                • del.).
                                  • The order finalization deadline has not yet been set for the first
                                  • regular delivery for combination delivery (Deadl.not OK).

                                    Delivery list:
                                    Fields for delivery:

                                    • Issue publication date (PubD)

                                    • Shipping date for delivery (ShipD)

                                    • Quantity (Qty)

                                    • Order-related delivery viability set (OrdDViab.)

                                    • Actual mix type (MT):

                                    • This is generally the mix type from the order item, with the exceptionof the combination type 'Substitution', where it is the mix type of thecombined edition. In immediate shipping, this is the mix type for thebackdated period, which can be specified in the order item. Incombination delivery, it is the mix type from the order item (it is notpossible to specify an alternative mix type in the order item for thebackdated period).
                                      • Actual publication (Publ.)

                                      • Actual edition (Edition)

                                      • This is generally the edition from the order item, with the exceptionof the combination type 'Substitution', where it is the substitutingedition.
                                        • Loading/unloading point (Load./UPt)

                                        • Actual delivery type (DT)

                                        • In immediate shipping, this is the delivery type for the backdatedperiod, which can be specified in the order item. In combinationdelivery, it is the delivery type for the order item (it is notpossible to specify an alternative delivery type in the order item forthe backdated period).
                                          • Logistical delivery type (LD)

                                          • The logistical delivery type assigned to the actual delivery type
                                            • Combination type (C)

                                            • Indicates whether the issue is purchased directly from the order itemor via the combination type 'Substitution'.
                                              • Customer group (CG)

                                              • Sales document type group (T)

                                              • Shipping outsorting type (SO)

                                              • Shipping outsorting only takes place for the sales document type group'Subscriptions'
                                                • Type of delivery (D)

                                                • Subsequent delivery number (SD)

                                                • Delivery number (Delivery no.)

                                                • If the delivery was just created, the list only displays the internaldelivery number.
                                                  Internal program fields:
                                                  • Internal delivery number (IntDelNo)