SAP Program RJSUPDAEXTRACT - Assign Postal Change Records to a Separate Change Number

Transfer Postal Change Records from a Change Number (Source) to aDifferent Change Number (Target)

Postal change records selected by a postal code area can be transferredto a different change number.
This enables you to generate a transparent worklist that can beprocessed separately.

The target change number must be created beforehand and should not havebeen used for any other purposes. The change records themselves mustalso not have been processed (structure update must not have beenperformed).

You can select the following records:

  • New postal units (e.g. new street)

  • Postal units for transfer (e.g. old street is split into two)

  • Postal units to be closed (e.g. old street is removed)

  • Postal units to be changed (e.g. street name changes)

  • You can also restrict selection by the postal code area.
    If you restrict selection by postal codes, all selection options mustbe selected (for consistency). If this is not the case, the systemcorrects this automatically.

    The report creates a basic list stating how many change records existfor which postal units. These figures allow you to estimate how manychange records are grouped in the new change number.
    We would recommend, for example, that you transfer all new records to aseparate change number, as well as all records to be changed.
    The remaining change records must then be distributed among separatechange numbers. When doing this, please note that the total changerecords for each postal unit must not exceed approx. 2000 records (onlycounting the records to be closed and those to be transferred, sincethese are relevant for subsequent processing).
    The traffic light symbol at the beginning of each line indicateswhether this limit has been exceeded (green = OK, yellow = caution, red= critical limit reached). A red light does not necessarily mean thatthe change number cannot pass through the change service but it canlead to size and runtime programs (in particular when updatingstructures).