SAP Program RJSBEZ02 - IS-M/SD: Create Carrier Route Structures Using BDC

This report creates batch input sessions for carrier route structures.The data is recorded in the structure RJSBEZIRK. The file is read fromthe logical file ISP_BEZIRKE_BDC.
The report creates the carrier route, the required geographical unitsand the assignments of the carrier route to the geographical unit andto the streets in the carrier route using the change number specifiedon the selection screen.
The level of the geographical units directly below the carrier route ismandatory. The geographical units are assigned directly below thecarrier route. The streets are then below the geographical units.
/ \
G1 G2
/ | | \
S1 S2 S3 S4

The attributes of the carrier route, such as main publication, mainedition and unloading points, must be available if specified at all.
Caution: It is now only possible to create carrier routes with theindicator XTITBEZIRK.

One batch input session per carrier route (with the key of the carrierroute). The sessions must be processed in sequence, since the changenumber is otherwise locked. You may need to specify a computer on whichonly one batch process is set up.