SAP Program RJNASTR4 - Delete Output Control Records for Carrier Route/Bank Returns Research

This report deletes output for carrier route and bank returns research.

Output on research is no longer of interest after a certain period haselapsed and can therefore be deleted.
You can restrict the selections by the research number, the carrierroute for research and the completion date.
You can also restrict the output on bank returns research according tothe transfer number so that deletion can take place selectively. Thisalso ensures that only output for bank returns research that hasalready been transferred can be deleted.
Authorization group: NA_REORG
Authorization : J_JNA_REORG
Profile : J_REORG

Output determination will no longer be performed for research for whichthe output is deleted.
However, if you still want output to be sent when you change data, youmust create this output manually (on the output details screen).
The log created lists the numbers of the objects for which output wasdeleted or would be deleted if the report was executed as a live run.