SAP Program RJLZUS01 - IS-M/SD: Print Program for Employee Home Delivery Settlement

This program is a print report used to print out home deliverysettlement for an employee with a SAPscript form using output control.

The report is started by an external call. The start routine is theform routine ENTRY, which must be entered in the customizing settingsfor output control. The program and the routine must be recorded forthe appropriate condition type. You can also assign the form forprinting here.
Printing in collective processing is triggered by report RJNAST00.(Path: Media sales and distribution -> Master data -> Output ->Environment -> Display/print.)

You can change the output layout using the appropriate form. The fieldsavailable are those from the settlement header (JLRK) and items (JLRP)and the conditions (KOMVD).
The business partner addresses are displayed based on extended addressmanagement, which allows you to assign a print format for each form andbusiness partner role. The address of the employee is formatted withthe role RS (invoicing party). The address of an alternate payee isdisplayed using fields from structure RJLSCRIPT.
Output is preset with 6 lines.
Any totals fields or additional fields required are contained in thedictionary structure RJLSCRIPT.

551040Correction for Note 525529: invoice printout and tax number
525529M/SD: Invoice printout: Tax number for article 14