SAP Program RJKWWWTEMP_MONITOR - Access to Internet Postediting

Access Internet Postediting

This report allows you to access specific data in temporary Internettables for postediting as well as to monitor this data. For example,you can select all the orders or order changes that begin within afixed number of days and must therefore be created or executed. Thereport focuses on the three temporary tables for order data, changesand complaints recorded in the Internet.

The report forms a point of access to Internet postediting and callsprograms to edit order data, changes and complaints from the Internet.

Data from the Internet has been stored for postediting. You specifywhether or not data from the Internet is to be stored in temporarytables and if so, which data, in the Customizing settings for theInternet application component in question.

You can specify which categories of data are to be included inselection on the selection screen: order data, changes (addresschanges, suspensions, redirections, changes to payment data) and/orcomplaints. You can specify for the changes whether or not thedifferent change types are to be listed separately.
You can restrict the beginning of the validity period for each of thethree categories. The ways in which you can do this include specifyinga number of days beginning with the current date, counting forwards fororders and changes and backwards for complaints.
In addition to these restrictions, you can also set restrictionsaccording to administrative data (such as the creation date) and orderand basic order data. You can also specify whether or not selection isto include records that have already been processed successfully.

Output is based on the number of data categories selected. If youselect more than one category, the report first displays an overviewlist indicating the number of entries for the category. This overviewlist is also displayed if you specify that the changes are to be listedseparately. You can then access processing for an entry by selectingit, for example with a double click.
If you only choose one category, the overview list is not displayed. Inthis case, the report accesses the postediting functions directly.

You want to edit the changes that are due in the next 7 days at regularintervals. You want to sort the changes by change type for processing.To do this, you create a variant in which you display the changes thatbegin 7 days from today. You also specify that the changes are to bedisplayed separately and entries that have already been processed arenot to be included in selection.
You execute this variant twice a week and the report returns a list ofthe 4 different change types and the number of entries selected. Youcan access the postediting functions for a change type by doubleclicking on it. Once you have processed the entries in question, youreturn to the overview list and choose the next change type.