SAP Program RJKWBZ12 - IS-M/SD: WBZ Stock Reconciliation (Record Type 119)

This report creates lists of live subscriptions for WBZ (record type119).

Firstly, the report generates a sequential file for each computercenter and key date containing WBZ live subscription data on the WBZcompanies assigned to the computer center in question. The structure ofthe file is defined by record type 119.
Secondly, the report generates two accompanying documents for each WBZcompany, so-called WBZ live subscription lists, both with the samecontent but sorted according to different criteria. One list is sortedby postal codes and the other by sales customers.
The report can be started for several WBZ companies at the same timebut only for one publication at a time.
You can regenerate a file that was already generated ('Repeat creationof data carrier') and create the lists again ('Repeat printing').