SAP Program RJKWBZ10 - IS-M/SD: WBZ Outbound Processing (Create Data Carrier)

This program is used to transfer IS-M/SD data to the WBZ system. Thefollowing order changes are transferred:

  • Terminations

  • Change of address (transaction type 070)

  • The program generates a sequential file and accompanying documents forit for each computer center. Each file is sorted by record type,publisher number, WBZ customer number, sales key figure and transactiontype.
    In addition, termination and change logs are generated using SAPscriptforms for each WBZ company.
    The program must be scheduled periodically.

    The program processes the output file NAST. Order changes are loggedautomatically in this table by means of output control. For thisreason, the customizing settings for output determination must bemaintained for WBZ outbound processing and the appropriate outputdetermination procedure must be specified in the sales documenttype-item type assignment.
    The print parameters and form name for creating the accompanyingdocuments (totals sheet for each computer center) must be maintained.
    The program processes all entries in table NAST that have not yet beenprocessed and that have a shipping date earlier than the current date.The program only processes entries that belong to the appropriateoutput type. The output types are defined by program RJKWBZA1 in tableTNAPR. The forms for the logs are also defined here.
    The name of the files to be generated contains the date on which theywere generated. This ensures that the program is not rununintentionally more than once a day, overwriting existing files.
    Repeat processing
    It is possible to repeat processing of records that were alreadyprocessed. When this is done, all the records in the specified dueperiod or processing period are processed. You can generate new filesor new logs and accompanying documents for these records.
    The processing time of output is the date on which the output was firstprocessed.
    Form printing
    You can use the following fields for the change and termination logs:

    • Fields from structure RJKWBZ

    • These are values that are written to the file
      Current item and schedule line data
      • Fields from structure RJKWBZFM

      • VERLAGSNR - Publisher number
        RZ_ANREDE - Form of address text for computer center
        RZ_LINE0 - Name of computer center
        RZ_LINE1 - Street for computer center (or P.O. box)
        RZ_LINE2 - Postal code and city for computer center
        NRIMJAHR_A - Issue number of first copy delivered
        JAHRGANG_A - Year number of first copy delivered
        NRIMJAHR_N - Issue number
        of first copy not to be delivered (for terminations)
        of first new copy to be delivered (for changes)
        JAHRGANG_N - Year number
        of first copy not to be delivered (for terminations)
        of first new copy to be delivered (for changes)
        The following fields contain data on the preceding item for changes ofaddress and only contain entries in this case:
        DRERZ - Publication purchased previously
        PVA - Edition purchased previously
        LIEFERART - Previous delivery type
        BEZUGSTYP - Previous mix type
        GUELTIGVON - Start of validity
        GUELTIGBIS - End of validity
        BEZUGGRD - Purchase reason
        REFBELEG - Subscription number
        ETMENGE - Number of copies
        ETMEINS - Unit of measure
        BEZPER - Service type
        WEA_ANRED - Previous form-of-address text for ship-to party
        WEA_LINE0 - Previous name of ship-to party
        WEA_LINE1 - Previous street for ship-to party (or P.O. box)
        WEA_LINE2 - Previous postal code and city for ship-to party
        Further general fields that are filled in the structure:
        WEN_ANRED - New or current form-of-address text for ship-to party
        WEN_LINE0 - New or current name of ship-to party
        WEN_LINE1 - New or current street for ship-to party (or
        WEN_LINE2 - New or current postal code and city for ship-to party
        WBZKUNNR - Customer number of WBZ company
        AG_ANREDE - Form-of-address text for WBZ company
        AG_LINE0 - Name of WBZ company
        AG_LINE1 - Street for WBZ company (or
        AG_LINE2 - Postal code and city for WBZ company
        The following fields contain data on the accompanying document for thedata carrier:
        RECHZENTNR - Computer center number for WBZ company
        VERTRKENNZ - Sales key figure for edition
        RZSUM_ABG - Number of terminations per computer center
        RZSUM_AEND - Number of changes per computer center
        VTSUM_ABG - Number of terminations per key figure and copy number
        VTSUM_AEND - Number of changes per key figure and copy number
        FILE_OUT - Name of file generated per computer center
        • A sequential file for each computer center

        • Accompanying documents (totals sheet) for data carrier for each
        • computer center
          • Termination and change log for each WBZ company

          • Log of report containing the following data:

          • Names of files generated
            Errors that occurred
            Statistics indicating number of changes and terminations per computercenter and key figure