SAP Program RJKWBZ04 - IS-M/SD: WBZ, Customer Number Exchange

WBZ customer number exchange: Transfer of subscribers from one WBZcompany to the live subscriptions of another WBZ company.

The records in a physical file specified by the logical file areprocessed. The existing subscription is ended (terminated) and a newsubscription is created with the second WBZ company as the sold-toparty and the existing subscriber as the ship-to party.
The records must have been created by the specified computer center andrefer to a WBZ company if this is specified on the selection screen.
The records must contain structure RJKWBZ_KNAT.
The relationship to the physical inbound file is set up by means of thelogical inbound file and the computer center: the logical inbound filemust contain parameter in its definition. isreplaced by the computer center from the selection screen when thephysical file name is determined.
Items that have been terminated are not transferred.
Data from the last time slice for the item is transferred.
Suspensions or related redirections that are also relevant for the neworder are transferred. If other limited changes are recorded (gift,transfer), the order cannot be transferred (the changes must be deletedin dialog processing first).

  • 'Accept records with alternate address': The address in the record for
  • processing is compared with that of the existing subscription.Differences are logged but the record is still processed.
    • 'List alternate addresses': All addresses that differ from those in the
    • System are listed separately.
      • 'Detailed list': The program outputs a log record for all records
      • processed. Otherwise, a log is only output if an error occurs.
        • 'Test run': Processing is merely simulated; no database changes are
        • made.

          The log output lists either all records processed or only errors thatoccurred, depending on the option you selected.
          You can access the orders by double clicking on the old order numberor, if processing was successful, on the new order number.
          Use the pushbutton 'Display record' to access the record for a line inthe log.
          If you want to record addresses that differed in the records as addresschanges in the System, you must do this by making a manual unlimitedchange in the new order.