SAP Program RJKVIAC_SUSPEND_OVERVIEW - Overview of Suspended IAC Variants

Overview of Suspended IAC Variants

If you use the Internet Application Components (IACs) from PeriodicalSales and Distribution and direct changes to objects are allowed, thismeans that changes to orders can theoretically occur at any time of theday or night. This may mean that regenerative planning is not possible,since planning is blocked by the IACs.
To prevent this blocking conflict from arising, you can have programRJKVIAC_SUSPEND suspend any changes to orders by IACs before planningtakes place. The program changes the data destination specified inCustomizing for the IACs so that all orders and changes are stored in atemporary table. The original Customizing setting is saved and can berestored after planning by means of program RJKVIAC_RESTORE.
You can use program RJKVIAC_SUSPEND_OVERVIEW to obtain an overview ofsuspended IAC variants. The program lists the entries stored when theIAC variants were suspended.
Besides planning, this function can also be used in all other caseswhere you want to suspend direct changes by IACs for a certain period.You can also suspend changes to addresses or complaints as well aschanges to orders.

In addition to the overview of suspended IAC variants, the program canalso be used to restore a certain status directly in dialog processing.

Select entries for the IAC variants that you want to display in theoverview on the selection screen.

A list of these entries is displayed, containing an entry for eachIAC variant and suspension. The entry contains data on the type andkey of the IAC, the date and time of the suspension, the setting forthe field Destination of Data before the suspension and the date andtime on which the original status was restored.
You can access the report RJKVIAC_SUSPEND to suspend the IACsuspensions directly from the list. You can also restore a certainstatus in dialog processing by selecting the relevant entries in thelist and executing the Restore function. When you do this, the statusof the corresponding entry is restored for IAC variants.
You can then delete flag entries that you no longer require from thelist.