SAP Program RJKSTF00 - IS-M: Create Geographical Hierarchy Variant for Statistics

This report creates a geographical hierarchy variant for a key date andan initial node in a geographical hierarchy.
Geographical hierarchy variants are used for statistical evaluations ofthe orders on hand using geographical structures. Firstly, thegeographical hierarchy variant can be used to evaluate the developmentof the orders on hand in a geographical area over time. Secondly, it isalso possible to evaluate the orders on hand for a particular time fora number of geographical hierarchy variants and then to compare these.
The geographical structure beneath the initial node is explodeddisplaying the relationships between postal units and the higher-levelgeographical units and stored in a database table for later statisticalevaluations.

Selection screen
The selection screen is split into three areas.

Information on geographical hierarchy variant

  • Geo. hierarchy variant

  • Each geographical hierarchy variant must be assigned a unique key.
    • Short and long text

    • In these fields, you should enter a text that describes the contents ofthe geographical hierarchy variant.

      Select geographical hierarchy

      • Initial node (geo. unit)

      • The initial node entered here is the root node in the explodedgeographical hierarchy. All geographical and postal units that arebeneath this initial node in the geographical hierarchy are included inthe geographical hierarchy variant.
        • Key date

        • The geographical hierarchy variant is a kind of snapshot of thegeographical hierarchy below the initial node. The key date is the datefor which the hierarchy is displayed.
          • Inactive structures

          • If this parameter is selected, you can also evaluate geographicalhierarchies that are not yet released in the system. This means it ispossible to perform statistical evaluations using several possiblegeographical hierarchies without activating them in the system. Bycomparing the results, you can determine the 'best possible'geographical hierarchy.

            Flow control

            • Log

            • If you select this parameter, all the records that belong to thisgeographical hierarchy variant are listed at the end of the log.
              • Test run

              • If this parameter is selected, the system determines all the data forthe geographical hierarchy variant but does not create them on thedatabase.

                The report provides you with information on the geographical hierarchyvariant created and its attributes as well as the number of recordscreated. If the Log parameter is selected, all the records thatbelong to this geographical hierarchy variant are listed at the end ofthe log.

                Special features
                Even when processing relatively simple geographical hierarchies, thisreport has a very long runtime, which makes it necessary to process itin the background. We also recommend that you only perform test runs inrelatively small hierarchies. You should execute the report as a liverun for more complex hierarchies and delete the geographical hierarchyvariant later if necessary.
                You should delete geographical hierarchy variants if you are sure thatyou no longer need them. Unnecessary entries take up too much space inthe database tables and also affect the performance of the evaluationprograms.