SAP Program RJKSDXPRA464_DEMAND - IS-M/SD: XPRA to Enter Data in JKSDDEMAND-VERSION for Release 4.64

Set new field VERSION in table JKSDDEMAND

The constant for an active version is entered in the new fieldJKSDDEMAND-VERSION in all records in the table in which the valueVERSION is still initial.

From mySAP Media 4.64, you can use versions in purchase quantityplanning. There is one active version '000 ', which is used insubsequent processes, such as order generation. You can addcustomer-specific versions in Customizing. Version '000 ' ispredefined by SAP.
To ensure downward compatibility, the active version is entered in theexisting data for purchase quantity planning. This means the data isused by subsequent functions in the same way as in previous Releases.