SAP Program BCS_IBND_MAINT - Maintenance of Rules for Inbound Distribution

You can use inbound processing to implement automatic or additionalprocessing for inbound messages. Exit classes are maintained, dependingon the recipient address or document type, or both, and are calledduring inbound processing.

Inbound processing is part of the receipt of e-mail messages using theSMTP plug-in. Inbound processing is not considered if messages are sentusing other interfaces in the system.

The exit classes must implement the interface IF_INBOUND_EXIT_BCS.
After exit processing, the whole receive process is completed byBusiness Communication Services, including COMMIT WORK. It is thereforeneither necessary, nor is it allowed, to perform your own COMMIT in exitprocessing.

During exit processing, the application receives a reference to theinbound send request. This enables access to the attributes of the sendrequest and the document.
Once the implementation of method IF_INBOUND_EXIT_BCS->PROCESS_INBOUNDis complete, the export parameter E_RETCODE can be set, which controlsthe further processing of the message:


  • Processing continues after the exit and the message is delivered to therecipient(s).

    • Processing is canceled after the exit.

      The following are examples of scenarios that can be implemented usinginbound processing:

      Sending an Automatic Confirmation of Receipt
      The receipt of the message is confirmed and a detailed message sent tothe sender. The message is then delivered to the recipient.

      Automatic Processing of Inbound Messages to Service Address
      All messages to a particular service address, for, are converted to business objects, such as CRMactivities, and processed further in a Customer Interaction Center. Inthis Interaction Center, several agents have access to the inboundmessages and can process them together. Therefore, the original messageis not delivered to the recipient.